I've said it once and I'll say it again...I've got a baby genius on my hands. Sure, he may never find a cure for cancer or win the National Spelling Bee, but he can take the lid off the puffs container with his teeth, so that will do for now. Perhaps it's just because I am his mom (not likely), but I find him to be exceptionally smart...like street smart, well, the baby version of street smarts. He outsmarts me a lot of the time, so that should say something.
You may be shaking your head thinking "impossible...he can't possibly be a baby genius", which is why I shall provide you with some examples. Let's start with the what sparked this blog post.
The toy box. My child loves the toy box. Already, at almost 10 months, he knows the toy box to be a mecca for babies. When he hears the creak of the lid, he sprints for it (ok, it's more of a crawl sprint.) He can be anywhere, but as soon as that lid is lifted, he is summoned to the play room to strain for toys he can't quite reach for. Today, he kept trying to play with the electrical outlet, but the boy I watch during the day kept opening the lid to the toy box to distract him and he would come crawling over. As I was watching him today get to the toy box as fast as baby-ly possible, I was just amazed by his recognition of the sound of the creak!
We got him a toothbrush several weeks ago and brushing his teeth has become the highlight of his day. After he is taken out of the bath for standing up after he has been told 'no', to get him to lay still to get dressed, we bribe him with the toothbrush. I used to think that he loved the taste of the toothpaste, but usually he sticks the end of the brush in his mouth to chew on, so who knows. Anyway, he has figured out that the routine is he brushes, we rinse the brush and then he 'rinses' his teeth. So now, after he has sucked off the toothpaste and chewed the end, he hands us his brush to rinse off for him. It's pretty cute.
I wish that I could continue to convince you of how smart he is, but alas he has figured out all the good tv is on at 9 and decided to get up. Too smart for his own good, I tell you.
Or he gets his grammie to rinse it off 4000 times in 1 minute. I guess he pretty much controls me too, huh?