Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Art of Play

My little man is growing like a weed, a really handsome weed that is.  There are times where I feel I am putting him to bed a baby and he is waking up a real boy.  While he still remains clingy and momma's boy-ish, he is starting to exhibit some independence as he begins to explore the world around him.

During those brief moments that he lets me leave his side, I love to stand in the kitchen and watch him play on his own.  It's so adorable as I watch him try to stand himself up on whatever toy he can find.  He is so determined to make his toys obey as he tries to hoist his little body up.  My favorite, though, is when he claps at himself.  It's like he is giving himself a round of applause because he's dumped out all the puzzle pieces or found where the horse is hiding in the Fisher Price farm.

He has become a little more daring in his crawling adventures as well.  Now he feels comfortable to leave and enter any room he so chooses.  Laminate wood floors seem like a great idea until you have a crawler...and a dog.  I'm pretty sure at the end of the day, he is covered in dog hair.  Thank goodness for my Swiffer Sweeper.

Even though I relish in those moments that he plays by himself, there is nothing that can beat momma-baby play time.  It's pure bliss to 'baby wrestle' with him and hear his high pitched giggles as he tries to escape my tickling hands.  It's in those moments of play time that I feel the closest to him and can sense our bond growing stronger.  Though I sometimes wish that he would nap better, I wouldn't trade that alone time he and I get during the day.

I am trying my best to soak it all in and enjoy each day with him.  Because as I know, there will come a day when I put him to bed in shark pajamas and he will wake up ready to conquer the world on his own.

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