Right now, I am witnessing one of the most beautiful things. When I look out my back window, past my blooming plum tree, I have just watched about 15 horse and buggies traveling the road on their way to church. It's views like these that make a mortgage payment worthwhile.
Not only am I struck with a sense of beauty, but I'm also feeling some jealousy. I am so jealous of these people and their ability to lead a simple life. I'm sending condescending looks at the cars that have to pass them because the people in those cars (and me as well) are missing out on enjoying so much of life because we live so much more loud and complicated lives.
Sometimes I think about trying to friend one of my more simple neighbors. I would love more insight into how they live, and most importantly, their baking secrets. I even sometimes daydream about joining their ranks. This is quickly ruined when I realize that I would soon be kicked out when I ask questions like "Whose going to Target with me?" or "Anyone hungry for 4th meal at Taco Bell??" Oh well, a girl can dream.
You see, I'm already ruined by the materialistic world that I live in and contribute to. While I would love to live this simple life, my mind would also be racing with ideas on how to decorate my horse and buggy so that it was the best looking one or around or that maybe I should buy two barrels of flour and not just one, just in case.
My hope is that it's not too late for Karter (though judging by all the baby toys and clothes he has, it probably already is.) I want him to find joy in memories made and relationships formed, not in an accumulation of "stuff." I don't want him to look out our back window and be envious of the simple life that is led by our neighbors, I want him to be living it. Life isn't about clothes, or video games, or reality tv shows (though I sometimes think it is)...and I hope I am able to convey this message to Karter, both by word and by example.
And just to make sure he gets it, he will likely be dressed in black pants, white shirt and black vest for church this morning...though he doesn't have any of those things...I should probably head to Target...
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